The leading school
of wingfoil in ibiza

Whether you have time or not, Wingfoil Ibiza adapts to you so that you learn to sail in hours and not weeks, quickly and safely.

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our club

the reference
on the water

It all started with windsurfing. It evolved with kitesurfing. And it climaxed with the wingfoil.
This new modality brings together the best of its predecessors and takes it to the next level. Without cumbersome equipment. No dangerous lines.
With the handling of the Wing with our hands, and the provision of a wing under water, the Wingfoil allows us to fly above the water effortlessly. The future has arrived here in Ibiza.


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our brands
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Wingfoil Ibiza - ozone

a sport that defines
our life style

Our evolution to the Wingfoil is the result of maturity and experience for more than 20 years in the world of kitesurfing.
The freedom it gives us defines our happiness and the desire to promote it.
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Wingfoil Ibiza - Regata Ibiza Wingfoil

more than 300 clients are satisfied

Anyone can teach wingsurfing. But not many can guarantee results in such a short time.

Our innovative teaching system here in WIngfoil Ibiza, pactical and safe, guarantees a fast progression and adrenaline rushes.

Our students are proof of this.

"The best surfing experience in Ibiza! Wingfoil with the best teacher and the best material!"

Fran Martinez

"Thank you David for sharing your passion with us with such generosity and good vibes!"

Greg Highlight

"An unbeatable deal! David, the teacher, a crack, transmits super good vibes, very good energy, and teaches phenomenal! A great experience that makes you part of the great kite and wingfoil family! 100% recommended!"

Yaiza Salmeron

"David was my first kite instructor back in 2006, and I keep coming back for more. He is the best, safest and most fun. Great at teaching adults and kids!"

Ben Northover

"Great experience! David gets you hooked by making the difficult easy! And above with laughter and good humor!"

Jandru Ruiz

The biggest
club in the country

Born from the need of fans of water sports in the Pitiusas, to enjoy their hobbies to the fullest, to guarantee safety and space in our waters, and to share experiences among the community, The Wingfoil Ibiza Club was the answer.

With more than 300 active members, and growing daily, Our Club is the meeting place for fans of water sports in Ibiza and Formentera, accessing great advantages in terms of logistics, services and material acquisition. and opening the doors to competition, both locally and nationally.

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Consigue ahora 2 horas  de curso de Wingfoil GRATIS al darte de alta en el club!!

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